Complaint filed against East Grand Forks Police officer

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 30, 2017, 9:38 P.M. CST





From: Timothy Charles Holmseth []
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 8:44 PM
To: ''
Subject: Attn: EGFPD Chief Michael Hedlund / RICO


Michael Hedlund

Chief of Police

East Grand Forks Police Department

November 30, 2017

In Re: COMPLAINT against Aeisso Schrage and/or un-identified John Doe conspirators

Chief Hedlund,

I am filing this complaint against Aeisso Schrage.

Attached you will find text messages I received today by someone I do not know. The narrative set forth in the texts is consistent with a plan to make false allegations against me that will involve “photographs” “kissing” and a “slide show”. This COMPLAINT shall protect me from this latest scheme.

This latest communication to me by unknown persons is only the latest in a series. As I reported to you via email on November 26, 2017, somebody called me claiming they thought I was the EGFPD; said Aeisso Schrage robbed them and wondered if I could a story about it real quick. On November 28, 2017 Aeisso Schrage used EGFPD letterhead to contact Go Daddy and told them I engaged in a pattern of “defamation”. Your name is on the letterhead so you are legally bound to that allegation.

As your records will reflect, I once filed a formal complaint against Mr. Schrage when he wholly fabricated a completely fictitious statement, while executing a Search Warrant, which he then placed into an official EGFPD police report in all caps with quotation marks, and attributed to me to implicate me in a crime I did not commit. I proved he was LYING because I had a tape recording of the whole event – 100% false – he completely made it up.

You admitted in writing that I never said the words he claimed I said, but then you deemed he did nothing whatsoever wrong.

I have further evidence of RICO.

See you in federal court.

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy Charles Holmseth

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